Tag: junk food

Pester Power! Sweets at the Checkout: Supermarkets ban them. Again.

Temptation by Bryan Costin on FlickrParents, there are times when I feel for you. I pity you especially when you are queuing at the supermarket. You have coaxed a seven year old up and down a dozen aisles; successfully negotiated a wonky trolley past other similarly wonky trollies, and then are forced to anxiously wait to part plastic for a carefully chosen pile of food and toilet rolls. Anxious – not because the car parking is about to run out – but because little Isabel is about to notice to sweets.

Too late – she’s spotted them… “…oh, but pleeeaaaasssee!?…” No, darling, for the fifteenth time, you can’t have a chocolate bunny. Why, oh why, does food shopping have to be like this? Read more

Coming soon to a high street near you… horse meat burgers?

The Hillbilly Grill II by David Robert Wright, on FlickrA Findus ‘100% beef’ lasagne made from 100% horsemeat now has a market value of over £50 ($75). A bargain.

The woes of the processed meat industry may continue unabated. The exposé of recent weeks has been staggering: horsemeat and pork in ‘beef’ burgers, Non-Halal meat in ‘Halal’ meals and, staggeringly, 100% beef lasagne without a trace of beef (reported to be selling on eBay at over £70). And yet, the humiliation of the big name food manufacturers spreads outside the UK, as Europe-wide testing finds the food industry with its pants down.
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What is really in your takeaway pizza?

Via Via IV by The Pizza Review, on FlickrIt’s a Saturday night. Perhaps you shouldn’t have had that last Babycham, but it’s been a hard week and you deserve it. Now, like a Siren luring you to the rocks, the takeout calls. Will it be the kebab van, the burger joint or pizza parlour?

Unlike tightly regulated franchises, most high street vendors don’t need to consider the healthiness of their portions. What we shovel in our gob on a night out is largely an unknown. A team of calorie committed researchers braved the streets to discover what REALLY is in our favourite celebratory cuisine. In this ‘what is really in your food’ series of blog posts, the first delicacy to be brought into the cold light of day is the pizza… (next time, burgers) Read more