Tag: Christmas

The health benefits of generosity – it really is better to give than receive

Shoebox appeal 2014Christmas is a time for giving. This week, we will give more to charity than at any other time of the year. For, all the fundraising carol singers, shopping-bag-packing Brownies, and charity tin-shakers make it hard for even the stingiest of scrooges to keep their wallets buckled shut. But a couple of weeks ago, I witnessed thousands of acts of kindness that would make Father Christmas proud.

Every year, the ‘Operation Christmas Child’ initiative invites members of the public to fill empty shoeboxes with Christmas presents to send to countries in the developing world. Individually wrapped and purposed for a boy or a girl, boxes are shipped to underprivileged youngsters in Africa, Eastern Europe and worn-torn countries such as Iraq. The appeal has been running for over twenty years and for many children, that solitary shoebox of gifts will be the only thing they receive this Christmas. Read more

‘Leisure sickness’ – why you get ill when you stop work (and how not to)

Warming feet by the fireIt must be Murphy’s Law. You soldier through the cold, dark months of winter, working your fingers into stumps trying to get everything finished before the holidays and then… the day after you down tools, you’re struck down with a cold. Of all the luck – another Christmas Day wrapped up in bed with a thermometer in your mouth!

A sickly yuletide is a situation that no one wants to face; but no doubt many of you will. Symptoms of headaches, muscle aches, fatigue and a bunged up nose are usually more common at the weekends and during holidays. And while it’s all too easy to assume that our suffering is due to bad luck or seasonal bugs, it may be neither; for up to 3% of us experience this phenomenon of getting unwell when work stops. It’s called ‘leisure sickness’ and there are many causes. Read more

Its Official: Men are Terrible at Christmas Shopping… (but women love getting gifts)

It’s Christmas shopping frenzy time! That’s right, shops and malls everywhere are going to be bursting with families clamouring to get the best gifts for their nearest and dearest. Christmas shopping may be someone’s idea of fun, but I find it all rather masochistic! You risk life and limb tripping over screaming toddlers while trying to avoid marital strife in arguments over whether Aunt Elsie would prefer the pink or blue polka dot scarf!

Do you like Christmas Shopping?
Me? I’d rather relax in front of a log fire with some warm mulled wine!

Are you nodding in whole-hearted agreement or do you think I’m a boring old scrooge?

In case you ever wondered why it is always men rushing around at 4pm on Christmas eve , then read on! 

Given man’s inability to buy Christmas presents, find out why it is a miracle any couples are still together come boxing day.. Read more

It’s ‘Snow’ Joke: The Weird World of Multi-coloured Snow!

Winter is well and truly upon us in Britain. Snow is shutting down airports, railway lines and roads. But isn’t snow, log fires and Christmas trees what winter should be all about?

Our kitten, George, took her first few steps onto snow this morning. She he wasn’t sure what to make of it: with one tentative paw she touched the snow then ran back inside the house! Even hard-hearted old me found the scene very ‘cute’.

You’re probably not scared by white snow like our cat, but how would you feel if you awoke to see blue, pink or orange snow falling?! Welcome to the bizarre world of multi-coloured snow Read more