Tag: music preferences

Get fit faster: listen to music!

Hill Attack. Tension Up! #4It’s now officially Games Over. Gone is the excuse to bunk off work to catch five minutes of of dressage or synchronised swimming. And as our love affair ends, normal life must resume. The real challenge now begins: to stay true to those keep-fit resolutions.

One of the tricks to stay motivated may be, quite literally, music to your ears. ‘Music has received very little attention among sports scholars’ wrote one author in 1993 in the Sociology of Sport Journal.  Since then, much has changed. Long distance champ Paula Radcliff swears that her playlist during training – insisting it helps to keep her going. Yet Usain Bolt is denied such an indulgence.

Taking a perusal trough the latest research, we’ll explore what is known about the power of music to get you fired up and heading down the gym. Even when The X-Factor is on… Read more

Take the Music Personality Test! Find out what Your taste in Music says about You!

What’s your favourite piece of music? What style of music do you hate? Every single culture and society has developed its own style and way of making music. But given a choice, there will be some music types that you will prefer. Why is this?

Why do some of us have Dizzee Rascal on our iPod’s when others are happy with Frank Sinatra in their record collection? Find out today what your music choices reveal about you Read more