The sun is shining, the birds are singing and it’s the start of a brand new day. Like many people, I love the mornings and consider myself an ‘early bird’ (after the first coffee, that is). It wasn’t always that way, however. During my teenage years, getting out of bed before 9 am was so difficult that the bed clothes might just as well have been made out of lead. Such slothful adolescent behaviour is common and the cause of endless parental exasperation. Youngsters may not be just being lazy, however, as something strange is happening in their brain. From around the age of 14, the childhood brain rapidly rewires as it matures and develops an adult mind. Throughout this turbulent time of mood swings and emotional angst the teenage body clock also steps back two time zones. Read more
Organic Food: A fat waste of cash?
That’s a big marrow!

I love growing vegetables; although I’ve never grown a marrow anywhere near the size of Mr Marcantonio’s! Every year our modestly-sized lawn seems to be shrinking as we dig up more of it to make way for our vegetable growing passions. A friend emailed me this picture from the Daily Mail last week and suggested it feature in a blog.

Each summer my wife and I get very smug about our home-grown produce. It’s great eating in the garden, happy in the knowledge that we are eating food free from artificial pesticides, fertilisers and heaven-knows whatever else the supermarkets put on our food in! Before discovering vegetable growing we used to buy a lot of organic vegetables. This blog looks into how much better organic food actually is.
I’ve been shocked with what I found out. I rather like the idea of food grown as ‘naturally’ as possible but I fear that many of us have fallen victim to a very big organic marketing con… Read more