New Year’s Resolutions: Just what is the point? I used to hate the idea of resolving to do something good just because it was a new year. And yet there seems to be something magical about the stroke of midnight on December 31st: Many of us pledge to get fit, save money or stop smoking. Having witnessed family and friends make dozens of failed attempts, it’s tempting to think that Oscar Wilde had it right…
Resolutions are “pure vanity. Their result is absolutely nil”. Oscar Wilde (1909), The Picture of Dorian Gray
Psychologists have tried to answer these questions and a team of researchers from America did some intensive work to find out the secret of sticking to New Year’s resolutions. Read on to find out if you’ve got what it takes to carry through on your resolution…
The Great New Year’s Resolution Experiment
The Top New Year Resolutions
- Lose Weight
- Exercise More
- Stop Smoking
How successful are New Year’s Resolutions?
We like to think that we are makers of our own destiny, but when the rubber hits the road, making meaningful changes in our day-to-day lives is frustratingly difficult. Don’t believe me? Well, here’s some depressing statistics to warm the cockles of your heart:
- 98% of diets fail,
- Nine out of ten people stop using the gym after just 3 months,
- About 95% of people who try to stop smoking won’t succeed.
What a bunch of poorly disciplined creatures we are!
Ok, ok, so most resolutions (54%) have still been abandoned by July; but in the light of the normal human ability to break habits, this is ain’t too bad!
“I didn’t fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong” Benjamin Franklin
Inside the mind: How to succeed at New Year’s Resolutions
Through probing quizzes and questionnaires, the researchers whittled down what were the key things were in people who could stick to a new year resolution. They made a surprising and remarkable discovery: People who really want to succeed are no more likely to stick to a New Year’s resolution than anyone else! Even an overflowing desire to change just isn’t good enough when it comes to making a meaningful and lasting life-change. What they did find out was that people who could stick to a resolution:
- Had made a clear decision to change,
- Believed that they were able to change,
- Believed it was possible to keep it up over a long period of time.
The team of researchers then went on to discover that successful ‘new year’s resolvers actually used lots of little mental tricks – even if they didn’t realise it! These ‘resolution-succeeders’:
- Tried to stay as positive as possible
- Avoided and distracted themselves from things that might tempt them to give up
- Encouraged themselves whenever they made good progress
And the people who were quitting the gym-membership in the first week of February would:
- Blame themselves any time things didn’t go to plan
- Spend time wishing that things were different
- Kept asking themselves how they were feeling

New Year’s Resolutions: Should You bother?
Failure is normal, and success means being nice to yourself!
I wonder if that could be a new motto for life!?
Somehow I don’t think it would stand up in a court of law…
Research Paper:
Norcross JC, Mrykalo MS, Blagys MD. Auld lang syne: success predictors, change processes, and self-reported outcomes of New Year’s resolvers and nonresolvers. J Clin Psychol. 2002 Apr;58(4):397-405.