Tag: supersaturated liquid

When I pour a fizzy drink, why do bubbles stick to the straw?

I was sat with friends and enjoying Christmas festivities, when this text came through:

“Why do bubbles stick to the straw in fizzy drink?”

My niece had come up with the question after watching bubbles dance around in a glass of soft drink. For a seven year old, this was a pretty good question. My sister (who also has scientific inclinations) was unable to give her a convincing answer, and knowing that I’m a sucker for trying to solve anything remotely scientific, she turfed it to me…

I looked into it and gave her my best answer. I also discovered that the science of bubbles is pretty interesting (no really). So if you’ve ever wondered about how and why bubbles form in a glass of soda/champagne/beer then read on!

Enter the fascinating & bubbilicious world of fizzy drinks…(with some stuff even seven year olds will enjoy)! Read more