Take the Music Personality Test! Find out what Your taste in Music says about You!

What’s your favourite piece of music? What style of music do you hate? Every single culture and society has developed its own style and way of making music. But given a choice, there will be some music types that you will prefer. Why is this?

Why do some of us have Dizzee Rascal on our iPod’s when others are happy with Frank Sinatra in their record collection? Find out today what your music choices reveal about you

Researchers in Texas, USA showed that musical tastes can actually reveal a lot about a person. Music also helps to form an identity and gives a sense of social belonging.

Some psychologists have even suggested that personality and temperament may have more to do with what’s in your CD rack than anything else! Consider this: Perhaps you didn’t actually ‘choose’ the music you own – your personality did it for you! 

I have put together a simple ‘Music Personality Test’ that uses findings from current research to tell you:

  1. The key features about your favourite music genre
  2. What your music personality is!

All you have to do is pick your favourite kind of music and follow the links to find out if your musical preferences reveal something about who you really are…


To get started, just click the image of your preferred music genre!

(Not working? Internet Explorer sometimes has problems with this, if it doesn’t work in your browser click here for an alternative music personality test based on the same research)

Heavy Metal
Dance / Electronica
Hip-Hop / Rap
Soul / Funk

. .


You Prefer: Reflective and Complex Music

You prefer acoustic, authentic music rather than electronic ‘beeps’ and ‘bops’. Your music choices tend to be of a slower tempo than other types of music. To you, the tune and melody of the music is more important than lyrics. When you listen to your favourite songs, they tend to evoke ‘romantic’ or dreamy ideas.

You like music that is generally pleasant and relaxed but can be quite complex. Sometimes the music you  listen to music that can be quite emotional.

Click Here to find out what your music personality is!


You Prefer: Intense and Rebellious Music

You like music that is faster in tempo and you don’t mind a bit of electronic distortion thrown into the mix. Lyrics are loud and angry although can be   clever and pretty complex.

Your favourite tunes are pretty loud and angry: this isn’t ‘chill-out’ music and you choose your music to get you going and fired up!

Click Here to find out what your music personality is!



You Prefer: Upbeat and Conventional Music

You like music that cheers you up! You prefer music that is not too fast, and not too slow; and often you find that listening can help you relax. Your favourite songs aren’t musically complex, but the words are positive and hopeful and the melodies are simple and uplifting!

Click Here to find out what your music personality is!



You Prefer: Energetic and Rhythmic Music

Your music’s gotta have a beat, baby! A strong rhythm is key to a good track in your mind; and might go for tunes with electronic effects rather than ‘boring’ acoustic instruments. Sometimes song words can be a bit self-indulgent but you think they get the balance just right: not too happy and not too sad.

Providing the rhythm is good, you’re probably quite happy to try out different styles of music.

Click Here to find out what your music personality is!



Your Personality: Reflective and Complex

You probably see yourself as a fairly middle-of-the-road kind of person; and you’d be right.  You are quite a creative person and are more in touch with your feelings and emotions than most people. You’re not the sort of person to ‘blurt’ out the first thing that comes to your mind. You are also pretty comfortable taking the lead in social situations.

You see yourself as a fairly intelligent person, but don’t think you’re particularly athletic!. Deep down you are more likely to be politically liberal: Most people with your musical tastes think that freedom and equality are very important. On an IQ test, you’re likely to perform well on the verbal/language parts.

Does this sound like you? Click Here!



Your Personality: Intense and Rebellious

Lots of people think that you’re pretty ‘fired up’; but to you this is just normal. Compared to most people, your heart actually beats a bit faster – even when you’re relaxed!

You’re quite a creative person and feel that most of the time you are in touch with your feelings and emotions.

Fairness and equality are important to you but in some settings you can be a bit of an extravert and can say things without thinking about them first.

You see yourself as a pretty intelligent person and possibly fairly athletic. On an IQ test, you’ll probably do quite well on any language or verbal parts.

Does this sound like you? Click Here!


Your Personality: Upbeat and Conventional

You are quite a ‘people person’: You like meeting people, you’re good at sympathising with others and people also like to spend time with you! You are an outgoing sort of person; you start conversations, and don’t mind chatting with lots of people at parties.

Although others may not know it, you have a close eye for detail; you like to be prepared and you rather get chores done straight away, rather than putting them off.

Sometimes you struggle with understanding ‘theoretical’ work and abstract ideas. This can mean that you struggle on IQ tests. You may also struggle with coming up with imaginative ideas and you don’t see the point in  using difficult words when a simple one will do!

You believe in fairness and equality. Politically, you see family values as important; you quite like tradition and recognise the need for having order in society.

Like your music, you’re a cheerful person and don’t see yourself as ‘depressed’. You think you’re quite an attractive person are comfortable with your self-appearance. Many people with your music tastes see themselves as being fit and athletic!

Does this sound like you? Click Here!


Your Personality: Energetic and Rhythmic

You are an outgoing person who feels comfortable around other people. You start conversations and even don’t mind being the centre of attention! You make others feel at ease and are genuinely interested in people’s feelings. You can have a tendency to just ‘blurt’ out the first thing that comes to your mind – be it good or bad!

You view yourself as being fairly attractive and might also consider yourself to be athletic!

You are quite a believer in fairness and equality; and think everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. You’re politically liberal, and would vote for someone who stood up for freedom and equality
Does this sound like you? Click Here!


What’s your Music Personality?

Is your music personality anything like you?

This article was put together by summarising the significant findings from the most comprehensive investigation of musical tastes and personality that we have to date. A team of researchers from Texas, USA interviewed and tested over 3,500 people to find out the links between personality, intelligence and music preferences.

You can read their full report below, but the study is far from perfect. It was performed in the USA and only college students were interviewed. Their significant findings are therefore probably not relevant to everyone, so don’t take your personality results too seriously!

Feel free to leave your comments and say if your music personality worked for you!


Want more about Personality?

Some previous blogs to try out:

  1. Test out your Personality!
  2. Find out about how good your memory is!
  3. See how well you cope with Stress!

Are you a Blirt? Find out with a printable test here!

Research Papers:

Rentfrow PJ, Gosling SD. The do re mi’s of everyday life: the structure and
personality correlates of music preferences
. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2003


  1. Pete Robertson says:

    Hiya Stu
    I absolutely love music but do not really fall into one particular camp or another. My favourite artist is Bob Dylan and in recent years have fallen in love with the songs and incredible guitar virtuosity of Richard Thompson….. but I don’t think that makes me a folkie. I love the Sex Pistols too but am pretty sure I’ve never been a punk…..

    I’m of the opinion that there is good & bad in all genres….well, most genres anyway….. and my iTunes collection literally goes from Motorhead to Mozart meandering along a highly circuitous path that include such diverse acts as Neil Young, Lou Reed/Velvet Underground, Frank Zappa, Lee “Scratch” Perry,Van Morrison, Captain Beefheart, The Dubliners, Hawkwind, J.J Cale, Pink Floyd/Roger Waters, The Wailing Jennys & Warren Zevon, amongst many others.

    Jeez….. as I sit here writing these words I’m actually listening to Mungo Jerry doing a version of Woody Guthrie’s “Dust Pneumonia Blues”.

    God knows what all this says about my personality…….. 😉

    I also love anything that is reasonably easy to sit down and bash out a few chords along with on my Fender Telecaster (which is maily pretty straight ahead blues & rock).

    Still, as you say, studies like this are far from perfect. They’re a bit of fun really.

    Anyway, in the immortal words of his Bobness on “Tangled Up In Blue”,
    “Keep on a’ keepin’ on”, my friend…….


    • Yeah it’s interesting, people I have spoken to all seem to find that they aren’t pigeon-holed easily – like the study suggests. The more I think about it, the more it seems a shame that the people who did the research only tested US university students (probably because they were cheap!) and they seemed to assume everyone had one preferred type of music. I guess this may be true for lots of 18 year olds, it’s probably not the case for many ‘older’ folks…
      As an aside – it’s good to hear from someone who can appreciate both classical and heavy metal! I saw Motorhead a few years ago – was the most ear-splittingly loud experience!! My ears were ringing for two days (no joke) – it was brilliant fun to see Lemmy and the old rockers going for it!

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