Tag: remedy

Can You Cure the Common Cold?

It's that time of year again, when we all start to get the sniffles

Curing the common cold sparked a debate in the office at work yesterday: It was reported in the news that the “cure for the common cold” had been found.  It sounds exciting but like much science reporting in the media: it’s fantastically over-exaggerated. The ‘ground-breaking’ research gives interesting insights into how our immune system works (the intricacies of will go above the understanding of most). A  cure will be years, probably decades away.

So, while we wait for science to discover a cure, we must do our best to cope with home remedies and shop-bought medicines. Everyone in the office had a personal favourate for treating colds: honey and lemon, rubbing goose fat on the chest, or a bit of ‘hot toddy’…!

What do you do when you start to feel unwell?

Today’s blog is looks at a range of cold treatments: some of which are downright weird. There are some surprising truths about what works and what doesn’t

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