A couple of weekends ago, I was invited onto BBC Breakfast News to review the Sunday papers. Arriving at the studio in Salford, Manchester, at 6am, the producer presented me with a foot-high pile of the day’s newspapers and instructed me to pick five stories to talk about on air. All should be from different papers, none could be from the front page, and two needed to be ‘serious’. The Munich shootings had happened just two days before, when 18-year-old Ali David Sonboly lured victims to a McDonald’s restaurant before going on a killing spree that left nine dead and 35 injured. It was a horrific news event that simply couldn’t be ignored. Taking a deep breath, I sat down on the red sofa and flicked open a copy of The Observer to discuss this baby-faced teenager’s murderous acts. It’s not the sort of thing any of us want to talk about, let alone in front of 2 million people, but trying to understand the mind of the young killer could actually help prevent such tragedies happening again. Read more
Tag: Personality
Do old people get more grumpy?
It is said that during our twenties we spend our time worrying about what other people think . In our thirties, we blame our parents for all our problems. In our forties, we finally realise that no one was really paying us that much attention and all our issues aren’t our parent’s fault after all.
Not so very long ago, a certain Sir Michael rather publically lamented today’s teachers – accusing them of being a group of whinging bums (I paraphrase). One commenter wondered whether it was just his age getting the better of him. She questioned whether there is any research about age-related ‘grumpiness’. In today’s post, you will find out whether there really is any truth to the “grumpy old codger” stereotype – and whether we are all destined to get grumpy as we get old… Read more
Is being Self-Employed good for your Health?
Working for yourself will make you happier, more satisfied and more productive.
These are the surprising conclusions of over two decades of life-satisfaction research – Which is rather odd; considering that being your own boss means no health insurance, no pension and no end of the month office party (!!)
With increasing pressure on salaried jobs and ever-diminishing public-sector pensions, many more of us could be looking at self-employment. But can longer hours, increased responsibility and more stress really be for everyone? Surely, having to do the company accounts when your friends are watching the Grand Prix is going to take a psychological and physiological toll…?
Taking a speedy look through the most current research, today’s post might help you find out whether driving solo is really good for you and your health… Read more
Take the Music Personality Test! Find out what Your taste in Music says about You!
What’s your favourite piece of music? What style of music do you hate? Every single culture and society has developed its own style and way of making music. But given a choice, there will be some music types that you will prefer. Why is this?
Why do some of us have Dizzee Rascal on our iPod’s when others are happy with Frank Sinatra in their record collection? Find out today what your music choices reveal about you… Read more
Feeling Stressed? Find out if Your Health is at risk…
Feeling overworked and stressed out? There must be lots of looming deadlines because there’s lots of stressed-looking people at work at the moment. Based on current research today’s blog will tell you if stress is affecting your health. Read on to find out whether taking a break could help save your life…
Do you suffer Road Rage?
Take the Personality Test!
How would you describe yourself? Would other people agree? Today’s blog is about finding out what type of personality you have… Read more