Tag: perceptions of science

Happy Birthday! Dr Stu’s blog is one year old today!

Birthday cakeToday, Dr Stu’s blog is one year old – cue the cake and candles!

This little experiment to write about science, health and technology in an understandable way has been extremely well received and continues to be read by an increasing number of people. After a few weeks of writing practice, the blog officially went live on 26th October 2010 with the acquisition of realdoctorstu.com.

This humble blog has now been read by over 85,000 people, and on also shares its Birthday with the recording of “Under Pressure” by Queen (a legendary song), Churchill’s 1951 election victory and the unarguably great actor Bob Hoskins.

Incidentally, this is my 100th post – but In case you didn’t read all of them, here are some of the highlights from the past 365 days, and why there is an ever-pressing need for science blogging on the internet… Read more