Tag: organophosphates

Organic Food: A fat waste of cash?

 That’s a big marrow!      

Wow! That's a big marrow! Alberto Marcantonio grew his 160cm marrow (and fed it only tap water)

 I love growing vegetables; although I’ve never grown a marrow anywhere near the size of Mr Marcantonio’s! Every year our modestly-sized lawn seems to be shrinking as we dig up more of it to make way for our vegetable growing passions. A friend emailed me this picture from the Daily Mail last week and suggested it feature in a blog.    

One of last year's pumpkins!

  Each summer my wife and I get very smug about our home-grown produce. It’s great eating in the garden, happy in the knowledge that we are eating food free from artificial pesticides, fertilisers and heaven-knows whatever else the supermarkets put on our food in!  Before discovering vegetable growing we used to buy a lot of organic vegetables.  This blog looks into how much better organic food actually is. 

I’ve been shocked with what I found out. I rather like the idea of food grown as ‘naturally’ as possible but I fear that many of us have fallen victim to a very big organic marketing con…   Read more