Tag: carbonated drinks

What’s inside that energy drink? Sugar, acid, caffeine + ‘fairy dust’

Monster Troupe by MJmerry, on FlickrIt is 7 a.m. and I am investigating the world’s most popular mind-altering drug. Having scrutinised the latest data, it’s time for a hands-on experiment. The substance in question is a potent white powder called 1.3 7- trimethylxanthine. Its use has reached endemic levels in children – and health care professionals are concerned. You will know this drug as caffeine. And the formulation under scrutiny is called an ‘energy drink’.

Ever since highly caffeinated energy drinks charged onto the scene twenty years ago, they have been branded “dangerous” and “harmful” by the media. Today, one in ten British teenagers drink an energy drink on most days, and a frightening 25% of children under ten have drunk one in the past year. I’ve decided to discover out what’s really inside them – and find out what they taste like. Read more

When I pour a fizzy drink, why do bubbles stick to the straw?

I was sat with friends and enjoying Christmas festivities, when this text came through:

“Why do bubbles stick to the straw in fizzy drink?”

My niece had come up with the question after watching bubbles dance around in a glass of soft drink. For a seven year old, this was a pretty good question. My sister (who also has scientific inclinations) was unable to give her a convincing answer, and knowing that I’m a sucker for trying to solve anything remotely scientific, she turfed it to me…

I looked into it and gave her my best answer. I also discovered that the science of bubbles is pretty interesting (no really). So if you’ve ever wondered about how and why bubbles form in a glass of soda/champagne/beer then read on!

Enter the fascinating & bubbilicious world of fizzy drinks…(with some stuff even seven year olds will enjoy)! Read more