Tag: airport

“Did You Pack Your Own Bags?” and other pointless airport security questions…

We’re off on our holidays, but (groan) we are stuck in the airport because our plane has been delayed – again!

An Airbus in downtown Hong Kong
The last time I flew, I had to tend to a medical emergency...
The reward for hours of waiting for security and immigration checks is… even more waiting! It’s been a bit like queueing to get on a ride at DisneyLand: The line deceptively curves and bends behind buildings and scenery so you never really know how long you are going to wait. Our hope is that the end result of all the sitting around will be somewhat more worthwhile – and less eventful – than a runaway train on Big Thunder Mountain! And please no medical emergencies like last time

Perhaps it’s the jet lag setting in;  maybe it’s the boredom – but my wife and I have decided that airport security questions such as “Have you packed these bags yourself, sir?” are pretty pointless and should be replaced with some far more interesting alternatives…  Read more