Tag: aging

The Science of the Midlife Crisis – a modern myth?

They say that life begins at 40. If that is true, then I have four and half years coddled up in the womb of young adulthood before I am birthed into the cold harshness of ‘middle age’. We tend not to think too much of being ‘middle aged’, and we all know someone who has gone through (or is going through) the dreaded ‘midlife crisis’. About a quarter of adults aged over 40 say that they have had such an episode and the story usually goes something like: a 40- or 50-something man splashes his lifesavings on a flashy sportscar or noisy motorbike, starts a rock band, and/or quits his job to swan off with a younger woman. What on Earth could possibly possess a responsible grownup show such sudden reckless abandon? Read more

Scientific Proof: Why stress gives you grey hairs!

“All work and no play…” Words immortalised by Jack Nicholson’s character in ‘The Shining’

Last week it felt like I’d been hit by a mental sledge-hammer.I’d been working hard for weeks; every evening and weekend spent doing paperwork and assignments. Finally the truth of the proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!” became real to me: I suffer from epilepsy which can be triggered by tiredness and stress and my body had reached its limit.

The irony is that I was about to write a blog article about a research article that shows how relaxation (and meditation) can boost the immune system, and slow aging. Today’s blog explores how stress causes grey hairs, wrinkles, and worse. But giving time for your body to rest could very well make you appear younger and even live longer. I wish I’d learnt this sooner… Read more