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- Blog
- Stop throwing food in the trash: it’s killing the planet
- Hope and terror: I just had most of my frontal lobe chopped out
- 5 Reasons Why we are Scared of Cooking with Spices
- 2017 wasn’t all bad: a good news story that will change the world forever
- Science of Cooking: Why do bananas go brown in the fridge?
- Fatigue: the problem most people don’t understand
- Grub’s up! Why we should all start eating insects
- The vaccine controversy that isn’t controversial
- The Science of the Midlife Crisis – a modern myth?
- What’s going on in the mind of a spree killer?
- Spelling out the truth about dyslexia
- Science shows that schools should start later, so why hasn’t the penny dropped?
- It’s good to go to work on an egg, as long as it’s not Easter
- Suck on this: Americans’ teeth are just as bad as Brits’
- Mystery symptoms? Get your lead levels checked
- Astronaut Tim Peake interview: boldly going where no body has gone before
- Jamie Oliver is right about sugar tax – but he’s still a hypocrite
- Ringing in your ears? Get some sound advice for tinnitus
- The time I saw demons: let’s remove the stigma of mental health
- Mario turns 30! How playing video games can be good for us (sometimes)
- It’s official: you’re only as old as you feel (and look)
- Beware the health scan scams: don’t be fooled by the long words
- Why drinking milk is good for us (and our farmers)
- Ditch the ‘detox’: don’t let the diet myth cleanse your wallet
- Gardener beware! 4 deadly plants that could be in your backyard
- Test yourself: Could you spot a skin cancer? Never miss a melanoma.
- Choosing Wisely: when you should refuse a medical test
- Get off your bum! Your office chair could be killing you (very slowly)
- Strokes are NOT rising among people of working age, despite news reports
- The unseen Rwanda healthcare revolution – and what it teaches us
- Don’t forget to vote: it’s good for body and mind
- Is owning a dog is good for you? Separating howling myths from tail-wagging truths
- A chocolate a day (may possibly) keep the doctor away
- ‘Google to rank pages by accuracy’ shown to be inaccurate
- Three parent babies: it’s not what you think
- The risks of drinking bottled water: getting some clarity
- Romance is more than a feeling – it’s a matter of health
- Why it’s time to forget about online dementia tests
- Exercise machine calorie counters: they exaggerate the burn
- What not to tell a child: “Clear your plate or there’s no dessert!”
- The health benefits of generosity – it really is better to give than receive
- ‘Leisure sickness’ – why you get ill when you stop work (and how not to)
- How to heal paralysis: modern day miracles
- It’s ‘mo’ joke – moustache month is here!
- Holy Frijoles! Swearing is a natural pain-killer
- Granny’s Marvelous Medicines: 3 traditional treatments that actually work
- The curious case of the phantom vibrating phone
- It’s ‘Stoptober’ – but 28 days isn’t long enough to change a habit
- Love smoothies? “2.5 of your 5 A Day” claim ruled to be false by ASA
- Cycle helmets: they’re not as safe as you think
- Meet ALS sufferer Jason Becker: more inspiring than a bucket of icy water
- Alcohol warning labels won’t make us cut down. (You won’t want to know what will.)
- Life with autism: it’s not what you think
- Pester Power! Sweets at the Checkout: Supermarkets ban them. Again.
- Smells can help restore memories
- What’s inside that energy drink? Sugar, acid, caffeine + ‘fairy dust’
- ‘Breastfeeding is best’ unless you’ve been drinking alcohol
- What is Ebola? Why is it scary? A really simple answer
- Why “7 a Day” is the new “5 a Day”
- Could Sir Elton John be immune to HIV?
- Dr Stu’s science of bisuit dunking
- Isn’t it time that fad diets went out of fashion?
- Why playing a musical instrument is good for you
- Take the smartphone addiction test! Are you hooked to your iPhone?
- The science behind a midlife crisis: are you having one?
- Does hot weather make you act like an idiot?
- More Money makes you Bad at Work: The Myth of Performance-Related Pay.
- Online reviews and movie critics are fantastic – so why do we ignore them?
- A little less money could do us some good
- Coming soon to a high street near you… horse meat burgers?
- I can’t tweet without you: How twitter feeds our inner longing for friendship
- What is really in your takeaway pizza?
- Why popular culture is obsessed with Zombies
- Bemused by The Great British Bake Off
- Get fit faster: listen to music!
- Why I hope this is the last Paralympics
- The challenge to live a ‘no impact’ life
- The real legacy of the Olympics: uncomfortable truths.
- Could you survive a week without emails?
- Nostalgia: Why we think things were better in the past
- Do old people get more grumpy?
- How can I stop…… stammering?
- Ofsted Head says Teachers don’t know Stress. Perhaps Sir Michael Wilshaw should have done his homework.
- Rare, Medium or Well done? The science of a perfect steak
- Does eating Celery burn calories? The Science about ‘Negative Calorie’ diets (finally).
- Looking for a bargain? Don’t shop on a Sunny Day
- The psychological cost of being a stripper
- Most people think dreams predict the future. Do you?
- Drinking Alcohol makes you pee more – but how much?
- Is it good to listen to music at work?
- The Debt we owe to Dyslexia: Are you reading this correctly?
- 26 reasons not to trust what you read in the newspaper
- Are Bible-bashers scientifically stupid?
- New Research says: Men Think About Sex More Often Than Women. Really?
- Forget a ‘broken society’ – did Boredom cause the London Riots?
- What’s the best month to be born?
- Smart Homes: Clever ideas for tomorrow’s health
- Dr Kanazawa: a Fascist Scientist, or Science Censorship?
- Dear Seven Billionth Child: How you can make the world a better place
- Happy Birthday! Dr Stu’s blog is one year old today!
- When is it right to Smack a Child?
- 5 Best Selling Food Supplements that Don’t Work: So why do we still take them?
- “Hey you, Fatty! Stop eating so much!” declares UK government
- The Guardian Science Writing Prize 2011: My Entry – “A Seizing Experience”
- Why is the Universe is Expanding and Accelerating? Here’s my pet theory… (by a non-physicist)
- The Scary New Computer Program that spots Born Leaders and Predicts Election Results!
- “Don’t Blame Me Officer! I was Sleep-Driving…”
- The Next Legal High: Sun Tanning?
- How much 9/11 TV footage is too much?
- Behind the Headlines: ‘9/11 Counselling Drives People Mad’ – Is this Tabloid Journalism at its Worst?
- The Mystery of the Meat Sweat!
- Is being Self-Employed good for your Health?
- The Science of Rioting – Is there a reason for the Violence? Is there a Solution?
- Time to Change how we view ‘Nuclear Power’
- “Your Science Reporting Truly Sucks…” – The Editor’s ‘Apology’
- Kid’s Behaviour is much worse than it used to be – Discuss!
- Obama cracks a joke to the Atlantis Shuttle Crew – So why wasn’t it funny?
- The IQ Myth and its Fascist origins – Just how Intelligent are You?
- The Brainstorming Myth: Why it doesn’t work and is a waste of time…
- Dear Mr Editor, Your Science Reporting Truly Sucks…
- New Research Asks: Could you hack a night shift?
- The Great Atlantic Divide – Why Europeans Riot (but American’s don’t)
- Surely not! Is this Energy Drink marketed at Children!?
- Shock! The way you Walk reveals Your IQ!
- Save the Planet by… Becoming a Vegan! Do I really have to?
- Calling all science writers and bloggers… Is anyone listening?
- The Olympics is Coming to London: So Why Won’t Brits be any Happier?
- Blue Lights Shown to Give a Brain Boost! But is a Better than Coffee?
- Are Wind Turbines Ugly? New Research Gives Answers…
- Getting Fit for the Summer? 3 Top Fitness Myths Revealed!
- What the Higgs is going on? The idiot’s ludicrously simple guide to what the ‘God Particle’ is… (and in under 4 minutes)
- `The Shady Truth About Sunglasses: How Safe Are Your Eyes?
- That’s How Big? Dr Stu Rediscovers the Classic Film: ‘Powers of Ten’
- Are Robots watching You? Experts Give an Urgent Warning about Spy Robots!
- Is Love Enough? Science Shows 6 Ways Kate and Wills can have a lasting Royal Marriage!
- 4 Fascinating Facts on Why You Are Easily Distracted (and not likely to read all of this)
- Eating through your Ears: Listening to Music makes Food taste better!
- New Study: Can Religion Help You Fight Serious Illness?
- The Future of Nuclear Power after Fukushima: Thorium Reactors?
- New Findings: How the ‘Five-A-Day’ Scheme has changed what we eat (or not)…
- The Science of Attraction: What makes a beautiful face?
- Flower Power! New Study shows Plants can Boost Your Brain Power!
- Research shows Skinny People at risk of Diabetes!
- Out of This World! The Amateur’s Guide to Making Your Own Satellite
- Myth-Busting: 3 Facebook facts you thought were true (but aren’t)!
- “Did You Pack Your Own Bags?” and other pointless airport security questions…
- Earn a Nobel Prize in your Lunch-Break! The Best “Citizen Science” Games Reviewed!
- Why ice cream tastes SO good! (Even on a rollercoaster)
- Are you a Shopping Addict? Try the ‘Shopaholic Test’!
- Art and Science: If a Picture Could Say a Thousand Gigabytes…
- The Burns Night Face-Off: Haggis versus the Big Mac! Which is really better?
- Geek-Gadget of the Week: The SmartPen!
- Can’t sleep? Why taking the Blue Pill is Best! (Unless you’re an Italian man)
- The Top 10 Medical TV Myths
- How to Build a Spaceship: The Best (and worst) Amateur Astronauts!
- Interview with a Bomb Disposal Expert: Meet the man who saved Trowbridge Town!
- When I pour a fizzy drink, why do bubbles stick to the straw?
- Loyalty Cards: What the Supermarkets know about You!
- Fact or Fiction: Do New Year’s Resolutions actually Work?
- Breaking News: Bomb Threat to Trowbridge, Wiltshire!
- How a Chocolate Indulgence can be Good for You! (but not your dog)
- Exploding Milk Bottles! When Ice and Dairy collide…
- The Science behind the Perfect Christmas Roast!
- The rise of the ‘Skeptics’: A new breed of Armchair Scientists
- Driving on Ice: Alternatives to Grit Salt
- Its Official: Men are Terrible at Christmas Shopping… (but women love getting gifts)
- Social Conformity: Do you just follow the crowd?
- Beware: NSPCC Facebook Profile Hoax!
- Xbox ‘Kinect’, Playstation and Wii: Is playing Video Games bad for you?
- It’s ‘Snow’ Joke: The Weird World of Multi-coloured Snow!
- Update: The Secret of Eternal Youth – Scientists actually reverse the aging process!
- How To: Survive Global Warming
- Take the Music Personality Test! Find out what Your taste in Music says about You!
- The Mystery of the Itchy Nose!
- Obama Meets The Robots: But Could They Save the World?
- Scientific Proof: Why stress gives you grey hairs!
- Technology Update: Holographic Television is Here!
- Can You Cure the Common Cold?
- Which is the Best Biscuit to Dunk?
- Halloween Special: Do women get scared more easily than men?
- The Man Who Could Never Forget
- Exposed! Britain’s ‘Energy Drink’ Child-Addicts
- Feeling Stressed? Find out if Your Health is at risk…
- Take the Personality Test!
- You’re Fired! The world’s stupidest scientists…
- Organic Food: A fat waste of cash?
- The Secret of Eternal Youth
- The Science of Love!
- Decisions Decisions… Memory and Choice
- Memory: ‘I’m Sorry and You Are?”
- When Not to Lick Your Fingers: Artificial Sweeteners
- Mind Reading: Secrets and The Science!
- To Infinity and Beyond: The World’s Greatest Hits
- Is there a doctor on the aircraft?
- Shock: Work is actually Good for You!
- The Secrets of Sleep
- How to Survive being trapped in a Mine
- Coffee – Drink Up! The virtues of coffee drinking…
- Artificial Intelligence